About WCCA
The West Colfax Community Association (WCCA) is a coalition of citizens, business owners, community leaders, and local organizations working together to foster and sustain an engaged community and the economic vitality of the West Colfax corridor. WCCA exists to serve the West Colfax Community – its businesses, residents, and partner organizations – by providing reliable community information, a forum for community dialogue, and a unified voice for community advocacy to help support the quality of life and economic vibrancy of the corridor.
WCCA partners with the City of Lakewood, the Lakewood-West Colfax BID and 40 West Arts District to create and sustain a reinvigorated public identity and attract new customers, new investment, and new businesses to the corridor.
With neighborhood, business, and civic leaders, we are in the process of reviewing the West Colfax VISION 2040 Action Plan, adopted by City Council in 2015. Read the Plan at the link below and learn more about the review process here or email us to get involved. Join in . . . everyone is welcome!
WCCA volunteers help The Action Center with a painting project.
Get Involved
WCCA meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 40 West Gallery, in the The HUB at 40 West Arts, 7501 W. Colfax Avenue, Lakewood, CO.
Arrive by 7:15am – meetings begin promptly at 7:30am and adjourn no later than 9am.
Free coffee and breakfast items are provided. Meeting programs provide news and updates from the City, local businesses, and other local organizations about happenings in the corridor and other topics of community interest.
If you have a program idea for a future WCCA meeting, please fill out the form below.
See A Snapshot
Click the video to the left to see a snapshot of the West Colfax Community!
Vision: WCCA is the best place to connect with an ENERGIZED Lakewood-West Colfax community.
Mission: West Colfax Community Association is a coalition of engaged community leaders focused on providing a unified community platform to help support the quality of life, economic vitality, and values of the historic West Colfax corridor.
Values: We are active leaders, collaborators, and creators who pursue and foster positive change through community engagement, innovative thinking, advocacy, economic vibrancy, and historic preservation.
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