Magician Chad Wonder performs his special brand wizardry at this year’s West Colfax Lately Luncheon with Chris and Kyra deGury Kennedy on stage.
Our celebration features Mayor Adam Paul’s Farewell Address
The West Colfax Lately Luncheon is an annual celebration of the energy and momentum along West Colfax. The Luncheon is filled with news, West Colfax trivia, great food, “magical” live entertainment, and the presentation of our LEGEND and MOMENTUM awards. And this year we have the distinction of hosting Mayor Adam Paul’s Farewell Address and his reflection on the future trajectory of the West Colfax corridor.
Lakewood Mayor Adam Paul delivers his farewell address to a sold out crowd at the 2023 West Colfax Lately Luncheon.
The LEGEND Award is given annually to an individual or organization that has been a sustained and engaged advocate for the Lakewood-West Colfax corridor. Winners will have demonstrated a long-term commitment through civic engagement, broad-based advocacy for improving the quality of life in the West Colfax community—from civic leadership, community organizing, and support for policies that align with the goals outlined in our West Colfax Vision 2040 Action Plan. Honorees will be well-known and active members of the community and will have had a significant, positive, long-term impact on the overall vitality and quality of life of the Lakewood-West Colfax community.
2015: Nina Rockley – Rockley Music
2016: Joe Margotte – Chicago Style Restaurant
2017: Kathi Hasfjord & Maddie Nichols – Two Creeks Neighborhood
2018: Steve Burkholder – Former Mayor of Lakewood
2019: Roger Wadnal and the Comprehensive Planning and Research Division at the City of Lakewood
2020/2021: The Action Center
2023: Metro West Housing Solutions
Liz Black’s Presenter Remarks: Our LEGEND Award Winner this year is well known nationwide and throughout the affordable housing community–particularly for its work in the Lakewood-West Colfax area. The Metro West Housing Solutions Team has developed six affordable housing communities in the corridor since 2003. Metro West Housing Solutions, as Lakewood’s Housing Authority, has a long legacy of excellence. In fact, it embodies the essence of this Award – having a long-term, positive impact on the vitality and quality of life of the Lakewood-West Colfax community. This honoree helped catalyze the start of the West Colfax renaissance with its award-winning Lamar Station Crossing community, the first Transit Oriented Development project on RTD’s W Line, which had a direct influence on other new projects moving forward. For their exceptional commitment to its mission: To be a leader in providing quality housing options and transformative opportunities for people and communities—we are pleased to present Tami Fischer and her team at Metro West Housing Solutions this year’s LEGEND Award.
CEO Tami Fischer (4th from right) and her team at Metro West Housing Solutions were honored with the 2023 West Colfax LEGEND Award. Read the story in the Jeffco Transcript HERE.
The MOMENTUM Award is given annually to an individual, organization, or business that has been a key, driving force for the West Colfax corridor. Winners have made a significant positive impact on one or more of the following: investment in the corridor, the corridor’s image and awareness, job growth, business attraction, commercial and/or cultural activities in the corridor, and the community’s overall vibrancy and economic vitality.
2015: The Abo Group and Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design
2016: Bob and Kris Autobee and Broad Street / Lamar Station Plaza
2017: Planet Fitness and WestFax Brewing Company
2018: Banner Signs and West Line Flats
2019: Kevin Yoshida, Judy Cybuch, and The 40 West ArtLine
2020/2021: Mint & Serif Coffee House & Reid Davis-Riverpoint Partners
2023: Scott Watkins, T.O.D. Properties & Doug Elenowitz, Trailbreak Partners; Don Calahan, Calahan Construction; Liz Black, 40 West Arts
Scott Watkins, T.O.D. Properties & Doug Elenowitz, Trailbreak Partners
Kevin Yoshida’s Presenter Remarks: These two colleagues have transformed the landscape by ushering in a variety of housing options, including West Line Village townhomes community and Traverse Apartments, a class A apartment community located adjacent to West Line Village and the Sheridan W Line Station. Along the way—they integrated meaningful art projects in each community. In addition, these two are leading the way on the much-needed redevelopment project at 10th and Sheridan. For their visionary community mindedness, our first 2023 Momentum Award recognizes Scott Watkins and Doug Elenowitz.
Don Calahan, Calahan Construction Services
Shanna Powell’s Presenter Remarks: This Colorado company moved their family operation into the corridor a few years ago, but their roots go back to 1937 and bring four generations of client-oriented service to their construction company. When the district purchased the Denver Drumstick Building, they chose this family-owned company to work with district leaders to help navigate the process. Suffice it to say—the new home for WCCA, 40 West Arts and the other galleries at The Hub would not have been possible without their help. For their commitment to service, including their volunteerism with The Elks and WCCA, we honor Don Calahan and Calahan Construction with this Momentum Award.
Liz Black, 40 West Arts District
Bill Marino’s Presenter Remarks: Speaking of Momentum! No one person has demonstrated more commitment and passion for the shared vision of the corridor in the last 9 years than this honoree. She moved to the neighborhood 10+ years ago and immediately plugged into the emerging arts district and became a dependable volunteer. From that role, she eventually joined the small staff and helped shape and build the capabilities of 40 West Arts, as it became a state-certified creative district. She eventually became the first executive director of the Arts District. For her passion, patience, good humor, & commitment to community, please join me in honoring Liz Black with this well-deserved Momentum Award.
2022/2023 Event Sponsors & Co-Hosts
Please also join us in thanking our table sponsors from the luncheon.